
I am honored you selected me to join you on your journey!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined. -H.D. Thoreau

postAmerican General Counseling (AGC) provides effective, preventive, and caring methods that have been developed through years of practice.

Allow us to walk with you in your life.

Whether it’s personal, social, career, or educational areas, AGC is here to help you improve in personal and social development, career and educational development, mental health/ mental hygiene, unemployment and underemployment, substance abuse and chemical dependency, as well as aging concerns.

Staff at AGC have a tremendous amount of experience in teaching, study and practice in the Human Service field. The Director holds a master’s degree from The George Washington University’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program, a program that is ranked 6th of its kind in the nation.

AGC is currently a non-network provider to Tricare recipients, but is becoming in-network.  AGC accepts Medicaid, and continues to work on its Blue Cross Blue Shield paneling. Cash payments are also accepted at this time.  DC clients will also be accepted in the near future.